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In October’s issue
Stay Saasy provides guidance on being a senior leader. For example, building a machine that repeatably produces the outputs, rather than focusing on creating outputs oneself through personal heroics or force of will.
By the time people hit their 30s and 40s their experience of organisational change has been more negative than positive. They build up an immune system to Change Management Bullshit, writes Paul Taylor. Paul considers approaches to overcome such change management failures.

With their community-driven actionable quick tips, The Liberators offers support to spark small and incremental change in your Scrum team.
Jeffrey Phillips contrasts working “in” with working “on” the business. Working in the business defines the work that drives the business day to day. Working on the business is the time spent thinking about why the business exists, how it should operate and what it should become.
Maarten Dalmijn writes that the biggest tragedy of the one-year feature GANTT chart is not that we will deliver less value by operating as a Feature Factory. The true disaster is the death spiral of demotivation.
Finally, Noel Warnell provides an illustrated book summary of BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits.