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In March’s issue
Communicating unpopular but critical decisions is challenging for new and experienced business leaders alike says Barry O’Reilly. If you crack the code of better ways to communicate tough decisions, it becomes a force multiplier and competitive advantage for companies.
Actineo introduces Flight Levels Boards. The Flight Levels model represents the different levels or perspectives of an organisation as Flight Levels 1, 2 & 3. Each Flight Level has a different focus: strategy, end-2-end coordination and operations.
Is the Apprentice glamorising the leadership of a bygone era? ponders Henko. Henko considers how much damage “The Apprentice” TV series is doing to leadership, corporate culture and ultimately to set organisations for performance in a changing business landscape.
Talk to your customers. Get out of the building. Voice of the customer. Exposure hours. Research. We have an endless amount of names for the process of listening and learning from the people who consume our products and services. Jeff Gothelf considers at what point we might have done enough listening and learning.
Christiaan Verwijs continues his report on his research-based investigation of the purported benefits of SAFe® – the popular and often contentious agile scaling framework.