In November 2018’s newsletter
Following last issue’s Scrum Mythbuster, Christiaan Verwijs & Barry Overeem busts the myth that in Scrum, there’s no planning. They describe how, in Scrum, the focus is on planning as an activity to create a shared understanding of what to do next.
Dave Snowden from Cognitive Edge describes how leaders have to get used to the fact that very few people will tell them the truth. Information will become filtered meaning leaders will become distant from what’s going on. Dave provides some heuristics which can help address this.
In the first in a new series, Corporate Rebels features an article from Bjarte Bogsnes, the man behind the Beyond Budgeting movement. Bjarte describes how Beyond Budgeting is an adaptive and agile management model, and how its principles differ from the management technologies of the past 100 years.
Adrian Stalham of Sullivan & Stanley discusses the failings of the siloed organisation structure; how it reduces efficiency, reduces trust and can lead to the demise of a productive company culture. He describes that solutions have existed for some time; the real problem is a lack of management innovation.