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In March issue
The key to successful product management? Storytelling, states Jeff Gothelf. Jeff says that every deliverable a product manager creates is a storytelling opportunity.
Bernhard Sterchi offers a new dimension to the popular Eisenhower Matrix. Along with Importance and Urgency, Bernhard adds Awesomeness. Most of us, consciously or unconsciously, change our attitude towards tasks according to this third dimension.
“Uncertainty” and “risk” are not interchangeable claims Amid change, organizations hazard losing time and returns to their competitors if they obsess over what’s to lose verus what’s possible.

The Agilist revisits the Manifesto for Slow Thinking. Karen Schmidt explains that rather than replacing our thinking fast mode, our thinking slow mode should happen beforehand.
A transformation can’t be a proliferation of initiatives or one big acquisition says Roger Martin. These aren’t substitutes for strategy. Successful transformation has to be underpinned by a clear and compelling strategy.
Maarten Dalmijn says the most dysfunctional Agile transformations he’s seen happen because companies try to copy-paste an Agile framework or scaling framework. Scaling doesn’t start with adding, but with removing and changing your way of working.
In How To Build A Lasting Legacy Gapingvoid writes all success requires sharing knowledge. To build a truly lasting legacy one needs to pass one’s skills along to the next generation. The art of mentoring is probably the most emotionally satisfying way of doing it.
Thank you Maarten Dalmijn and @dlatchana . Fully agree.#agilecoach #agilemindset #agileleadership #agile
— Gopal Renganathan (@grenganathan) March 26, 2022