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In May’s issue
To ensure that your product roadmap is effective, you should make it goal-oriented or outcome-based, shared, and actionable says Roman Pichler. Roman explains how this can be achieved.
Bernhard Sterchi addresses the common danger of enthusiasm for change leading to a readiness to keep critical reflections to a minimum, and thinking less about the blind spots.
To discover how to manage responsibilities better, Matt Barnaby and Joseph Badman introduce the reverse pilot, a technique to test removing non-essential activities and to see if it has any negative consequences.

Through anecdotal stories, The Corporate Rebels explains how the Cobra Effect leads to unintentional consequences. Particularly when those dictating the agenda neglect to bring relevant stakeholders to the table.
There’s no such thing as a committed outcome, says Nick Brown and Ellie Taylor. They explain that when you hear committed outcomes people most likely mean outputs. They suggest using the outputs as an opportunity to focus on the real problems to be solved.