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In January’s issue
Tanner Wortham offers a tool for the Insecure Overachiever. It’s for those who set an high bar, and even when they reach it, feel like it’s not enough.
Using the concept of Teaming, Karl Scotland considers the conditions in which teams should pull work to themselves versus work pulling the people.
Gapingvoid reasons that a great company needs a great culture, but it also needs a great leader. Neither can flourish without both.
An always-on work culture combined with endless personal obligations leaves many of us overwhelmed and overextended, says Gude Hudson Gool. Gude offers strategies to Saying No.
Calling upon the work of social scientist Edgar Schein, The Liberators considers why organizations experience problems when its cultural layers don’t align. They suggest a workshop to help address such issues.
Chris Corrigan introduces The Diamond of Participation – a map that identifies several phases a group goes through to create participatory decisions.
In the third of his Product Management 101 series Sebastian Straube introduces Product Goal Setting.