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In February’s issue
Stop Saying MVP says Jeff Gothelf. Jeff says it’s lost any consistent meaning. Instead, he says, let’s use the word ‘experiment’.
Michael Küsters responds to the question “Is the Scrum Master an entry-level role?”. Acknowledging the breadth of knowledge it requires, Michael provides guidance for those embarking on the role.
Barry Overeem offers his thoughts on the recent claims that agile is dead. Barry provides recommendations for those in organisations questioning the value of agile, including “Stop talking about Agile” and “Focus on organizational needs”.
The concept of the Normalisation of Deviance is illustrated by sketchplanations. The concept explains the process where what was unacceptable gradually becomes acceptable in the absence of failures.
To help organisations handle the challenging economic climate, JCURV provides four product-centric features that will help them respond to shifts in consumer demand and allocate resources more effectively.
Paul Taylor introduces the significance of the Connector – a well known person who connects multiple groups in an organisation. Connectors help bridge different social circles and facilitate the transmission of information.
Finally, Sebastian Straube provides his 4th Product Management 101 – this time on Product Management Layers.