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There’s news on AgileSherpas’ 4th Annual State of Agile Marketing Report. Produced with Forrester Research, findings include agile adoption for marketers passing the tipping point, sits at more than half the marketers surveyed.
Having advised startups and corporations for over 10-years, David Bland shares what he’s learned about Lean Startup. Insights include Innovation Accounting not being used correctly because organisations aren’t allowed to use the proper analytics tools or can’t trace metrics across silos.
Organisations are Complex Adaptive Systems writes John Dobbin, and it’s time we treated them as such. He states complexity science can be utilized to design organisations that are better suited to a VUCA world.

For teams to determine what is valuable, The Liberators introduce stakeholder mapping, which is used to identify stakeholders and how to involve them to create valuable products.
Tanner Wortham asks Are Agile Coaches Actually Coaching? Tanner explains that gifted agile coaches will know how and when to pivot between the stances of consultant, mentor and coach effortlessly and in ways that benefit those they support.
Finally, the NOBL Academy introduces a powerful strategy writing technique using the concept of Even Overs. They explain Even Over statements are simple phrases that teams can use as strategic touchstones in their work.