In January 2019’s newsletter
In the last of the Scrum Mythbuster series, Christiaan Verwijs & Barry Overeem busts the myth that in Scrum, the sprint review is a demo. They explain a demo alone fails to encourage collaboration in inspecting progress and deciding on the most valuable next step.
In his opinion piece, Wim van Baaren explains why he likes Kanban. Wim compares Kanban to Scrum. He explains how concepts such as visualisation, defining the meaning of ‘done’ and limiting work-in-progress, can benefit teams.

Harold Jarche describes how we are shifting from a market society to a network society and its profound implications. Harold explains how organisations can benefit from this with principles and models such as Network Management and the Perpetual Beta Working model.
In his first article for the newsletter, Karl Scotland writes about organisational strategy and the current state of agility. He explains the dangers of imposing Agile. To address this, Karl offers strategic approaches to agile transformation, where leaders set enabling constraints within which the solutions can emerge.